... odpiranje piškotov sreče in izmenjava besedil sreče. Jerneja in Iva, takšni trenutki so preprosto neprecenljivi!
... kavarna Maček, ki je nisem obiskala že sto let ... čaj s prijateljem, ki mi je podaril povsem prvi izvod knjige, ki ima velik potencial, da postane uspešnica. Jaka, hvala!
... snežinke.
... in vse tiste male radosti, ki osrečijo moj dan ...
... lunch with my favorite girlfriends ...
... fortune cookies and changing fortune messages.
... cafe Maček and tea time with my friend who unexpectedly gave me a first copy of his book The story of David Locke - book which has a large potential to become a bestseller. Jaka, thank you so much!
... snowflakes.
... and all those little magical things that makes life so beautiful!
... snežinke.
... in vse tiste male radosti, ki osrečijo moj dan ...
... lunch with my favorite girlfriends ...
... fortune cookies and changing fortune messages.
... cafe Maček and tea time with my friend who unexpectedly gave me a first copy of his book The story of David Locke - book which has a large potential to become a bestseller. Jaka, thank you so much!
... snowflakes.
... and all those little magical things that makes life so beautiful!
3 komentarji:
Joj, Mankica, nehaj se že zahvaljevat :) Hvala tebi, ker si mi stala ob strani tudi v težkih časih in me spravljala v dobro voljo s svojo pozitivno naravnanostjo. Takih ljudi je malo in res sem počaščen, da te poznam ...
Jaka, tudi ti si en velik sonček. Lepo je imeti takega prijatelja kot si ti!
Ditto kiddo. Sam nikol tok velik in tok topel kot ti ;)
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