Snežko snežak me je včasih, ko sem bila še mala deklica, pozdravljal s tv ekrana. Časi se spreminjajo in ne vem več, če risanka sploh še obstaja. A kjub vsemu zimska radost ostaja. In veselje do snega. In kepanja. In sankanja. Da o delanju snežakov sploh ne govorimo! ;) Tale na slikici me je danes zjutraj počakal pred oknom. In kaj lepšega se ti lahko zgodi na sobotno jutro, kot da se ti skozi šipo smeji takšen krasen snežak! Ja, sneženo pravljico v Ljubljani preprosto naravnost obožujem.
When I was a little girl I really enjoyed watching Snowman tv series ... now those days are gone but joy in snowballing and making snowman remains. This beautiful smiling snowman (on photo) with pot on his head waited in front of my window this morning and smiling at me ... So, how could this Saturday be even nicer than this? It's all you could wish for ... I simply loooove winter Wonderland in my hometown, that's for sure! ;)
When I was a little girl I really enjoyed watching Snowman tv series ... now those days are gone but joy in snowballing and making snowman remains. This beautiful smiling snowman (on photo) with pot on his head waited in front of my window this morning and smiling at me ... So, how could this Saturday be even nicer than this? It's all you could wish for ... I simply loooove winter Wonderland in my hometown, that's for sure! ;)