Že nekaj časa jih zbiram. Fotografije posnete navzdol. Zagotovo že kakšne dve al celo tri leta! In če smo dodobra zakorakali v 2011, naj bo tale prva letošnja objava namenjena zadnjemu pozdravu preteklemu letu. In prav zato naj bo lanskih 365 dni tokrat obeleženo na malo drugačen način. Čeprav ni bilo najboljše, pa vendarle - Nasvidenje 2010!
I've been collecting photos of my feet for about two or three years now. Step into 2011 looks very well so far, so first post in 2011 should be dedicated to last 365 days which were not as lucky as they should be for me. So, all I can say at the moment is: Farewell to 2010!
All photos and texts on this blog are my artwork and are copyrighted by me. They should not be used anywhere without my explicit permission! - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!
Če želite v dar podariti srečo, veselje in vilinski nasmešek, potem so Dišeče dobre Vile in Vile Cimetke zagotovo darilo, ki osreči! Nakup in informacije: vila.rozinka@gmail.com. Več na www.rozinka.com (klik na zgornjo sliko).
Hvala vsem, ki ste si v kavarnici Cafe Metropol ogledali mojo fotografsko razstavo črno-belih fotografij, posnetih na ulicah New Yorka. Razstavljene fotke na prodaj! Za več info mi piši na mankica@gmail.com
Čarni smehljaji daljnih dežel
Vsem, ki ste si vzeli čas in si ogledali mojo prvo fotografsko razstavo, se zhvaljujem in upam, da vam je na obraz priklicala vsaj malo čarnega nasmeha ;)
"Beauty? What is that? -- Beauty in itself is nothing." Andy Warhol
"Tukaj še vedno plešemo na skrajnem robu sveta. " Lawrence Ferlinghetti
"There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad." Salvador Dali
"Enjoy your day, get stuck in ... happy days!"
"It's all make believe, isn't it?" Marilyn Monroe
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Mahatma Gandhi
"A good photograph is all about opportunity. An artist doesn't make art - art happens." Alex Soh
"People spend too much time thinking of the past. Whatever else it is, it's gone." citat iz filma The Man Withouth a Face
"Why do you try to understand art? Do you try to understand the song of a bird?" Pablo Picasso