Kdo bi si mislil, da prav danes mineva že 41 let od zadnjega javnega nastopa v živo, ki so ga, danes dejansko že kultni, The Beatles pripravili na vrhu. Dobesedno. Končali so namreč v velikem slogu - na strehi slavne londonske glasbene založbe Apple. Kasneje so jih posnemali še mnogi drugi glasbeniki, toda Beatli so bili zagotovo eni in edini - tisti, ki so bili začetniki marsikatere stvari, povezane z glasbenimi skupinami, nastopi, oboževalci in predvsem - glasbo! Še danes je na svetu mnogo njihovih oboževalcev, njihovo glasbo pa poznajo tudi tisti najmlajši ... The Beatles ostajajo veliki. Za vedno.
It's been 41 years today since The Beatles had their last live performance. They made it on the roof of the Apple recording studios in London and that was on of the things that put them to eternity ... They will stay legends forever.
It's been 41 years today since The Beatles had their last live performance. They made it on the roof of the Apple recording studios in London and that was on of the things that put them to eternity ... They will stay legends forever.