četrtek, 11. oktober 2007

life in Chiang Mai..

Ha! In evo, koncno mi bo uspelo poslati slike, pa se to le nekaj le-teh, saj je interent noro pocasen :) no, a kakor koli ze.... koncno so tukaj. pa tudi blogger koncno dela v anglescini!!! kdo bi si mislil :)
Fotke so tukaj, vec pa v mejlu... ;)

Long neck village. what a beautiful cultures deep in the northern Thailand...

Elephants are still big business in Thailand. They torture them till they die... Dark past. Bright future.

She.s the mother of a rehabilitation centre for tortured elephants.
Because of the cruel human (Thai culture) nature many of elephants are still being tortured!

Please check out web site and help on
http://www.elephantnaturepark.org/ . Try to protect these wonderful animals which suffered enough!

Se slisimo kmalu! Do tedaj pa. Lahko noc sever krasne Tajske, lep vecer Slovenija! :)


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